All files / src use-visitor-data.ts

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import { FpjsContextInterface, FpjsContext, GetDataOptions, QueryResult, VisitorQueryContext } from './fpjs-context'
import { useCallback, useContext, useEffect, useState } from 'react'
import { VisitorData, FingerprintJSPro } from '@fingerprintjs/fingerprintjs-pro-spa'
import { usePrevious } from './utils/use-previous'
import deepEquals from 'fast-deep-equal'
import { toError } from './utils/to-error'
import { assertIsTruthy } from './utils/assert-is-truthy'
export type UseVisitorDataOptions<TExtended extends boolean> = GetDataOptions<TExtended>
 *  @example
 * ```js
 *  const {
 *    // Request state
 *    data,
 *    isLoading,
 *    error,
 *    // A method to be called manually when the `immediate` field in the config is set to `false`:
 *    getData,
 *  } = useVisitorData({ extended: true }, { immediate: false });
 * ```
 * Use the `useVisitorData` hook in your components to perform identification requests with the FingerprintJS API. The returned object contains information about loading status, errors, and visitor.
 * @param getOptions options for the `fp.get()` request
 * @param config config for the hook
export function useVisitorData<TExtended extends boolean>(
  getOptions: UseVisitorDataOptions<TExtended> = {},
  config: UseVisitorDataConfig = defaultUseVisitorDataConfig
): VisitorQueryContext<TExtended> {
  assertIsTruthy(getOptions, 'getOptions')
  const previousGetOptions = usePrevious(getOptions)
  const { immediate } = config
  const { getVisitorData } = useContext<FpjsContextInterface<TExtended>>(FpjsContext)
  const initialState = { isLoading: config.immediate ? true : false }
  const [state, setState] = useState<QueryResult<VisitorData<TExtended>>>(initialState)
  const getData = useCallback<VisitorQueryContext<TExtended>['getData']>(
    async (params = {}) => {
      assertIsTruthy(params, 'getDataParams')
      const { ignoreCache, ...getDataPassedOptions } = params
      try {
        setState((state) => ({ ...state, isLoading: true }))
        const { ignoreCache: defaultIgnoreCache, ...getVisitorDataOptions } = getOptions
        const getDataOptions: FingerprintJSPro.GetOptions<TExtended> = {
        const result = await getVisitorData(
          typeof ignoreCache === 'boolean' ? ignoreCache : defaultIgnoreCache
        setState((state) => ({ ...state, data: result, isLoading: false, error: undefined }))
        return result
      } catch (unknownError) {
        const error = toError(unknownError)
 = 'FPJSAgentError'
        setState((state) => ({ ...state, data: undefined, error }))
        throw error
      } finally {
        setState((state) => (state.isLoading ? { ...state, isLoading: false } : state))
    [getOptions, getVisitorData]
  useEffect(() => {
    if (immediate && (!previousGetOptions || !deepEquals(getOptions, previousGetOptions))) {
      getData().catch((error) => {
        console.error(`Failed to fetch visitor data on mount: ${error}`)
  }, [immediate, getData, previousGetOptions, getOptions])
  const { isLoading, data, error } = state
  return {
export interface UseVisitorDataConfig {
   * Determines whether the `getData()` method will be called immediately after the hook mounts or not
  immediate: boolean
const defaultUseVisitorDataConfig = { immediate: true }