All files / src urlUtils.ts

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import { ExtractQueryParams, Region } from './types'
import { version } from '../package.json'
import { paths } from './generatedApiTypes'
const euRegionUrl = ''
const apRegionUrl = ''
const globalRegionUrl = ''
type QueryStringParameters = Record<string, string | number> & {
  api_key?: string
  ii: string
export function getIntegrationInfo() {
  return `fingerprint-pro-server-node-sdk/${version}`
function serializeQueryStringParams(params: QueryStringParameters): string {
  const urlSearchParams = new URLSearchParams(Object.entries(params) as Array<[string, string]>)
  return urlSearchParams.toString()
function getServerApiUrl(region: Region): string {
  switch (region) {
    case Region.EU:
      return euRegionUrl
    case Region.AP:
      return apRegionUrl
    case Region.Global:
      return globalRegionUrl
      throw new Error('Unsupported region')
 * Extracts parameter placeholders into a literal union type.
 * For example `extractPathParams<'/users/{userId}/posts/{postId}'>` resolves to `"userId" | "postId"
type ExtractPathParams<T extends string> = T extends `${string}{${infer Param}}${infer Rest}`
  ? Param | ExtractPathParams<Rest>
  : never
type PathParams<Path extends keyof paths> =
  ExtractPathParams<Path> extends never
    ? { pathParams?: never }
    : {
        pathParams: ExtractPathParams<Path> extends never ? never : string[]
type QueryParams<Path extends keyof paths, Method extends keyof paths[Path]> =
  ExtractQueryParams<paths[Path][Method]> extends never
    ? { queryParams?: any } // No query params
    : {
        queryParams?: ExtractQueryParams<paths[Path][Method]> // Optional query params
type GetRequestPathOptions<Path extends keyof paths, Method extends keyof paths[Path]> = {
  path: Path
  method: Method
  apiKey?: string
  region: Region
} & PathParams<Path> &
  QueryParams<Path, Method>
 * Formats a URL for the FingerprintJS server API by replacing placeholders and
 * appending query string parameters.
 * @internal
 * @param {GetRequestPathOptions<Path, Method>} options
 * @param {Path} options.path - The path of the API endpoint
 * @param {string[]} [options.pathParams] - Path parameters to be replaced in the path
 * @param {string} [options.apiKey] - API key to be included in the query string
 * @param {QueryParams<Path, Method>["queryParams"]} [options.queryParams] - Query string
 *   parameters to be appended to the URL
 * @param {Region} options.region - The region of the API endpoint
 * @param {Method} options.method - The method of the API endpoint
 * @returns {string} The formatted URL with parameters replaced and query string
 *   parameters appended
export function getRequestPath<Path extends keyof paths, Method extends keyof paths[Path]>({
  // method mention here so that it can be referenced in JSDoc
  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
  method: _,
}: GetRequestPathOptions<Path, Method>): string {
  // Step 1: Extract the path parameters (placeholders) from the path
  const placeholders = Array.from(path.matchAll(/{(.*?)}/g)).map((match) => match[1])
  // Step 2: Replace the placeholders with provided pathParams
  let formattedPath: string = path
  placeholders.forEach((placeholder, index) => {
    if (pathParams?.[index]) {
      formattedPath = formattedPath.replace(`{${placeholder}}`, pathParams[index])
    } else {
      throw new Error(`Missing path parameter for ${placeholder}`)
  const queryStringParameters: QueryStringParameters = {
    ...(queryParams ?? {}),
    ii: getIntegrationInfo(),
  if (apiKey) {
    queryStringParameters.api_key = apiKey
  const url = new URL(getServerApiUrl(region))
  url.pathname = formattedPath = serializeQueryStringParams(queryStringParameters)
  return url.toString()