All files useVisitorData.ts

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import type { VisitorData } from '@fingerprintjs/fingerprintjs-pro-spa'
import type { FpjsSvelteContext, FpjsSvelteQueryOptions } from './types'
import { writable } from 'svelte/store'
import { getContext, onMount } from 'svelte'
import { FPJS_CONTEXT } from './symbols'
import type { UseGetVisitorDataResult, UseVisitorDataOptions } from './useVisitorData.types'
 * API for fetching visitorData.
 * @example ```svelte
 *     <script>
 *       import { useVisitorData } from '@fingerprintjs/fingerprintjs-pro-svelte';
 *       const { data, getData, isLoading, error } = useVisitorData(
 *          { extendedResult: true }
 *       );
 *       // Fetch data on mount and ignore cache
 *       // const { data, getData, isLoading, error } = useVisitorData({ extendedResult: true, ignoreCache: true }, { immediate: true })
 *       </script>
 * ```
 * */
export function useVisitorData<TExtended extends boolean>(
  topLevelOptions: UseVisitorDataOptions<TExtended>,
  { immediate = true }: FpjsSvelteQueryOptions = {}
): UseGetVisitorDataResult<TExtended> {
  const dataValue = writable<VisitorData<TExtended> | undefined>(undefined)
  const loadingValue = writable(false)
  const errorValue = writable<Error | undefined>(undefined)
  const context = getContext<FpjsSvelteContext>(FPJS_CONTEXT)
  const getData: UseGetVisitorDataResult<TExtended>['getData'] = async (getDataOptions) => {
    const { ignoreCache, ...options }: UseVisitorDataOptions<TExtended> = {
      ...(topLevelOptions ?? {}),
      ...(getDataOptions ?? {}),
    try {
      const result = await context.getVisitorData(options, ignoreCache)
      return result
    } catch (error) {
      if (error instanceof Error) {
        error.message = `${}: ${error.message}` = 'FPJSAgentError'
      return undefined
    } finally {
  onMount(async () => {
    Iif (immediate) {
      await getData()
  return {
    data: dataValue,
    error: errorValue,
    isLoading: loadingValue,