options: FpjsSpaOptionsOptional
cacheReturns visitor identification data based on the request options [https://dev.fingerprint.com/docs/js-agent#visitor-identification]
if set to true a request to the API will be made even if the data is present in cache
Returns cached visitor data based on the request options, or undefined if the data is not present in cache
Loads FPJS JS agent with certain settings and stores the instance in memory [https://dev.fingerprint.com/docs/js-agent#agent-initialization]
passedLoadOptions: Partial<FingerprintJSPro.LoadOptions>Additional load options to be passed to the agent, they will be merged with load options provided in the constructor.
Checks if request matching given options is present in cache
makeMakes a CacheKey object from GetOptions
FingerprintJS SDK for Single Page Applications